How Small Businesses Are Using Pinterest (part one)

How Small Businesses Are Using Pinterest (part one)

I know, yet another social media platform to learn and maintain. But before you throw in the towel, let’s talk about why Pinterest can be valuable for your small business.

Pinterest is an online bulletin board, where users can “pin” photos they find on the web. They can post their various photos to individualized boards, and can follow other users and comment on their images as well.

This site has exploded over the past year, and even though it’s still in its infancy, it already has over 10 million users. It has become the 3rd most popular social networking site, second to Twitter and Facebook.

Some entrepreneurs already understand the power of Pinterest and are using this site to leverage more website visits and sales.

What can Pinterest do for you?

1. Learn what your customers want

The best way to sell a product is to create one your consumers are looking for. Create a board that allows your followers to post things that they would like your company to offer. From there, you can get a better idea as to how to provide the best products to your community, because your consumers are telling you exactly what they want instead of you having to guess.

2. Network with other business owners

As an entrepreneur, you can create boards where you pin ideas of other business owners that agree with your interests. The text box under the photo is there for a reason – you can use it to brand your business and type keywords that move your photos to the top of the Pinterest search page.

3. Display pictures of your products

You can post pictures of your products, and add a hyperlink that directs consumers back to your website, blog or online shop when they click on your image which will increase your web traffic.

Next week I’ll share some more ideas to help you get started on Pinterest. Until then, happy Friday and happy pinning!

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