Entrepreneur Case Study – Interview of Stature

Entrepreneur Case Study – Interview of Stature

Many entrepreneurs call on Metro Offices as their home base because of the flexible virtual office plans we offer. One such client is home-based business Interview of Stature, an online interview technique search firm.

Interview of Stature has recently launched three online interview workshops that teach a potential job seeker how to construct an eye-catching resume, nail interview questions, and land that dream job.

Curtis Walter, the founder and CEO, works almost exclusively from home but uses Metro Offices as his corporate headquarters. He conducts all business meetings using the Metro Offices meeting rooms, where he does everything from meeting with external clients to conducting interviews for internal employees.

Curtis’s business benefits the most from the virtual office services. He has his mail forwarded to his home address so he doesn’t have to pick it up, and he relies heavily on the reception area – both for greeting his guests when they arrive for meetings and for when he is offsite, where the receptionist forwards all calls to his home office as they come in.

Curtis places high value in the image that Metro Offices helps his company maintain. He notes the “beautiful location and beautiful office building” where he conducts his meetings, and his clients always walk away impressed.

When asked about the quality of customer service Metro Offices provides, Curtis tells a story about a critical moment when he had a meeting scheduled on his books, but he didn’t confirm it with the Metro Offices staff. The meeting wasn’t on the Metro Offices calendar when he walked through the doors, ready for his meeting.  The staff didn’t hesitate to work hard in order to find him some space to work. They were able to place him in a beautiful meeting room and his meetings went off without a hitch.

You can see the full video here. 



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